Current Student Organization - Interest/Affinity
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: Email group officers
Mission A caring community passionate about connecting people toJesus Christ. Cru is a nondenominational christian org that is welcome to all!
Membership BenefitsIn accordance with University policies, there will be nodiscrimination on the basis of race, religion, political views, sexual orientation, nationality, handicap, sex, etc. Both undergraduates and graduates are eligible to be members of Cru and can become members by joining a meeting and attending any number of meetings throughout the year. This Chapter may have associated members who are non-students, such as faculty and staff, community members, alumni, and Cru staff members. Associated members shall have all membership privileges except the right to vote or hold office. A member may lose the privileges of membership, including the right to attend meetings and events sponsored by Cru, if disruptive, disorderly, posing a danger, or allegedly in violation of Title IX.
Lifetime membership